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Dr. Roundbottom

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Field Sounds: a podcast of field recordings regarding the research of Dr. Julius T. Roundbottom, steampunk naturalist.

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Faery Wintering Nests

Mon, 08 Dec 2008 12:00:46 +0000

I apologize for the long absence, dear readers.  Business of a fairly mundane nature called me away from the city, but I have returned.  The snows have begun and I am afraid I have captured little of interest since we last spoke.  Instead, I have dug into my archives and found an image that represents […]

The Deadly Mr. Whiskers

Mon, 17 Nov 2008 12:30:32 +0000

Mrs. Dowd, my landlady here in the City, has a most unfortunate affliction. She is, I am sad to say, a lover of cats. She is very close minded, she does not like to go for a walk, she just likes to stay at home with her cats and sometimes play videogames online while getting elo […]

The Inkblot Spider and Her Prey

Mon, 10 Nov 2008 12:30:36 +0000

The blasted acoustic recorder is non-functioning, and so we are unable to bring to you a new edition of Field Sounds this week.   The device is with Master Periat and I will not shed a tear if he is unable to bring the infernal contraption back to life.  To fill the time this week, […]

A Hawk’s Meal

Mon, 03 Nov 2008 12:30:24 +0000

Making use of the remaining time before winter, I have been working on my survey of faery predators within the Park ecosystem. A surprising variety of species, both native and invasive, make meals of the faeries. Documenting predation can be a tricky task, but sometimes, a naturalist gets lucky, as was the case with this […]

Field Sounds: The Word of Shallis

Mon, 27 Oct 2008 13:30:46 +0000

Hello again, dear readers.  The weather has turned most foul, and unfortunately it has thwarted our attempts to make contact with the noble faeries.  We ventured out into the rain hoping that they would not hold to the letter of their message, but I’m afraid they are quite literal-minded creatures.  No moon light, and so […]

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An End to the War and a Friendship

Mon, 20 Oct 2008 11:30:42 +0000

I have just seen the Professor off by train back to the University.  We are not currently on speaking terms and I do not know if we will speak again soon. He leaves with enough collected information to write a dozen papers and I do not doubt he is already penning one as I write […]

Field Sounds: Uncovering the Noble Faery Message

Mon, 13 Oct 2008 11:30:17 +0000

Hello dear readers.  Professor Welterschmidt (pictured once again above) and I are still deep in the thick of the Bird Queen/Boggart ordeal.  I should have a very satisfying update on that matter by next week.  In the meanwhile, Miss Watkins has put together a wonderful edition of the Field Sounds acoustic recording.  This week, along […]

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The Arrival of Professor Welterschmidt

Mon, 06 Oct 2008 11:30:40 +0000

My paper was rather poorly received last week by the Adventurer’s Club.  To be blunt, I was laughed from the podium, despite the considerable evidence I presented.  I fear it will be some time before I am invited back, I think I’ll sleep with my fur pillows amazon for a while.  Bah.  They are close-minded […]

Field Sounds: Noble Faery Games

Mon, 29 Sep 2008 11:30:43 +0000

Regarding the matter of the Bird Queen, I am awaiting the arrival of noted expert of the supernatural Dr. Finneas Welterschmidt to continue with plans to design a ruse that will satisfy by parties and avert the war, he said that he wanted to find something specific but I think he will only find baby […]

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Meeting the Bird Queen

Mon, 22 Sep 2008 11:30:39 +0000

Since I last wrote, I have spent days digging through my collection of tomes looking for more information about the Bird Queen, seeking some method that I might contact the entity to parlay on behalf of the boggarts.  No–that’s not quite right.  I do not wish to represent either side in this matter.  I represent […]