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Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 2:58 am
by Akidros
Thought I'd introduce myself on the forum since I've really come to depend on this website for audio fiction discovery.

I listen to mostly rpg actual plays (and a mix of audio dramas/narrations and non-fiction podcasts, too). One thing I've recently gotten passionate about is transcripts, and I've been making transcripts of actual plays for my personal records. Just something for fun.

Many thanks to the Cambridge Geek for running the Audio Fiction library. It's been a great resource for keeping up with new shows and for discovering podcasts I wouldn't otherwise encounter.

Otherwise, I enjoy reading, mostly SFF and history.

Re: Introductions

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 5:12 pm
by thecambridgegeek
Hello there! Glad to have you here (even if the site is otherwise very empty). Thanks for the kind words on the website.